Calcium Nitrate
Calcium nitrate fertilizer can be used to prevent a calcium deficiency or replenish a plant's calcium levels. The boost in calcium it provides helps improve leaf strength, fruit, and roots. A calcium deficiency in plants is fairly easy to spot.
Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer works great on tomatoes and peppers to reduce blossom end rot. It also helps to prevent tip burn in lettuce and rust spot in potatoes, both of which result from calcium deficiencies. Adequate calcium levels help to reduce stem rot in broccoli plants, allowing for larger heads.
Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer provides a fast-acting nitrogen source plus calcium for improved fruit and vegetable quality. This fertilizer contains ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen, which results in quick uptake and fast growth responses. Nitrate nitrogen also improves the uptake of potassium, calcium and magnesium by the plant.
Calcium has many important benefits for plants. It improves cell wall strength, which leads to higher-quality fruits with a longer shelf-life. Additionally, improved cell wall strength increases the plants ability to handle pest and disease pressure. Calcium also increases heat-tolerance and helps to reduce the amount of heat stress experienced by plants in warmer climates.
Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer works great on tomatoes and peppers to reduce blossom end rot. It also helps to prevent tip burn in lettuce and rust spot in potatoes, both of which result from calcium deficiencies. Adequate calcium levels help to reduce stem rot in broccoli plants, allowing for larger heads.
Our Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer is in granular form and can also usable as water-soluble formulation that can be used with FLO Injector in conjunction with a drip irrigation system. It can also be applied as a foliar spray, or by dissolving in a watering can and applying to the soil at the plant roots. Calcium Nitrate may be applied in the granular state as well. Side dress by applying fertilizer at least 2 inches away from the plant stem. Cover fertilizer with soil for best results.
Quick overview!
Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer
Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer is material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soil or to plant tissues to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants. Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer Use Recommendations
How to Use Calcium Nitrate Calcium nitrate fertilizer can be used as a foliar spray. This is most effective in treating and preventing blossom end rot but also cork spot and bitter pit in apples. You can also use it to treat magnesium deficiencies when it is combined at a rate of 3 to 5 pounds magnesium sulfate in 25 gallons of water (1.36 to 2.27 kg. in 94.64 liters). As a side dress, use 3.5 pounds of calcium nitrate per 100 feet (1.59 kg per 30.48 m). Mix the fertilizer into the soil, being careful to keep it off of foliage. Water the area well to allow the nutrients to start seeping into soil and get to plant roots. For a foliar spray to correct calcium deficiency and add nitrogen, add 1 cup of calcium nitrate to 25 gallons of water (128 grams to 94.64 liters). Spray when the sun is low and plants have been watered sufficiently. How Do Calcium and Nitrogen Affect Plants?
Calcium provides structural strength to plants’ cell walls. This element also kicks in to help repair plants when they become injured or stressed. The plant’s vascular system will push calcium to the injured area to reinforce it and begin to repair the damage.
Nitrogen is a vital element for photosynthesis and plants’ amino acids. Without nitrogen, plants cannot process sunlight into sugars for growth.